Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Theory about everything

The deepest problem in physics is to harmonise the Macroscopic theories into microscopic one, Einstein had 3 theories once was the ( E=mc2) ,second was the theory of relativity and the third which remained unfinished was theory about everything .
this theory can explain- supernovas, creations, Atom movements, DNA etc.

In his later years he wanted to unify two major forces- Gravitational and electromagnetism

To support this a String theory came into being
Superstring theory combines relativity and quantum in an elegant, intuitive way. First, it describes the myriad of quantum particles of nature because each particle represents a "note" on a vibrating string. Think of a violin string. No one says that A or B is more fundamental than C. What is fundamental is the string itself.

Superstring theory says that, if we had a supermicroscope and could peer at an electron, we would see a string vibrating in a certain mode. The string is extremely small (10 to the minus 33 centimeters!) so that the electron looks like a point particle to us. If we shake the string, so it vibrates in a different mode, then the electron can turn into something else, such as a quark, the fundamental constitute of protons and neutrons. Shake it again, and the string could vibrate in the mode which describes photons (the quanta of light). Shake it again and it turns into a graviton (the quanta of gravity).

The super string theory has got critics too the theory cannot explain why it advocated 10 axis parameters to measure universe whn we can see 4 of them - 3 coordinates and one of time . 6 parameters remains missing

More we get into this more mysterious it becomes, The theory is arrogant in itself which marks the solutions to all the things it wants to unify quantum theory and relativity theory too
who knows when this mankind will get the explaination ??

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