What is a flight?
A path full of loci through SPACE , space of time, space of air
A metaphor for the word would be launch in the SPACE of minds and thrusting one selves from the grounding realities, grounding limitations, Grounding controls and many unknown things that grounds
A JET SET to the new zone, a zone full of unassuming occurrences with no anticipation due previous experiences with sheer sense to face & see anything. Light or DARK come what may the amazement of flight is un paralleled and cannot be experienced in normality's
Who are the one who fly ?
The ones who are abnormal, under no clout of previous senses, The ones who willingly want to explore and follow what the heart says and mind acts, The one who are out of the league , the one who do not get limited by the constant sense of PRINCIPLES of living, who do not follow a familiar CODE of LIFE
what are the experience in flying?
FREEDOM is the biggest thing which answers so many questions, experience of exploration , JOY of opening up, realisation of immense possibilities, RUSH of SPIRITS, thrill to cross the boundary created by society and above all the boundary created by oneself
Although lives are sanitised when they are coded with the LAWS of society and experiences of one self , and spirit of life is under a MEASURE of some known parameters
But this is not called living because under this zone you will not find your answers about yourselves, your limits and your happiness
LIFE is lived when you conquer that FEAR, live the battle of your own adversaries
WITH the joy of FLIGHT who knows one gets to know their DESTINIES