We All know India was facing a big brain drain few years back, bright talented people with grit to make good out in their lives and for there family trusting there fortunes get on with there journey to different parts of the world . Each one having some dream in there eyes and wants to have a better life than what was supposed to be in India. With promises most have made a good out of what ever they got.
Our ambassadors are spread across the world mixing, adjusting and suiting themselves to the different cultures.
But as they have left India after some years back home things started to change, India started to explore what it always had in store .Opening of markets, growing middle class. Money chasing all the markets and Industries. Billions of dollars invested from Echelons of the Industries suddenly this country started to shine. Across the world the buzz became louder that this country is going to challenge the world’s biggest economies
In the mist of all the changes in the eyes of the world, our India’s image in many of our NRI’s has not change . Things still remain the same for them, India doesn’t suits there life style, life is cheap in India. Things are so improper problems of corruption, illiteracy , lack of infrastructure, poverty still clings on to like a anaconda.
Its almost a sort of confusion what NRI’s face the place is still the same for many . Those who are looking the brighter picture are even looking for packing there bags back to whre they belong.
The world is chasing the money and opportunity in that part of the world the very own NRI are still lurching on the thought that there is lot of filth and trouble in that place.
The funny part is that the other community and nationality is giving hats of to the engines of India Shining but our those ignorant NRI’s are still on the same thoughts of broken roads, failing electricity systems, lines for kerosene and rations, Corruptions with the havaldars , illegal encroachments etc. and cry for the murders and rapes happening as if there is none, in the other parts of the world . I am not getting critical for the NRI but then it is high time that our real ambassadors change the mindset and see that the juggernaut called INDIA has started to arrive in almost all the platforms resting sports , we need to work more in that .